Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last day of the year

Better late than never...on the last day of the year.  Just completed spinning class with Tommy.  That guy has the greatest words.  Your form is your function!  Make it work!  Next year make many mistakes and keep making them to live your life to the full! 

LA Fitness is now my gym after a 2 year commitment money down.  I also have a personal trainer lined up to help with the lean body mass and getting me stronger.  Didn't do much in December but now I am a member as of yesterday I have to be accountable.  I know that the snacking has to stop and also the late night eating!  5 meals a day.

Reading through my last report I need to start the swim.  I have lined up with some girlfriends to train 6am Monday to Thursday - the ducks are all in a row.  Join me if you can.  Happy New Year and on in the pursuit of health and fitness. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Going again

November 4th and putting running back in my schedule.  Since the marathon I finished in May I have taken a break and enjoyed life playing around.  My wake up call was last week when I went for my annual flotation body fat test and discovered I have lost 4 pounds of muscle in one year!  Not good for a middle aged, smaller framed female.  There is only I that can do something about this.  I pulled out 4 steaks from the freezer and fell into dismay at what my body has eaten up.  Trying to pull any of that back will take some really hard work.  In the past, after many weight training programs, progress on lean body mass always took longer than expected and with not that much gain.  Ho Hum.  The quandry is where do I go for this.  Figuring it out.  At the moment trying LA Fitness and loving the swimming pool.  One of my goals is to go swimming twice per week.  I need to see what is available for weights.  How am I going to implement a strength regime and not just quit when the going gets tough?  Can I do it on my own?

I have gone back to eating grains but still gluten free.  Should I go Paleo? 

Run goals I am still considering.  Just purchased Train Like A Mother and after taking the quiz immediately got hit on the head with a hammer when it said, "you need to aim for a PR".  Deep down in my soul I know that but have been ignoring it.  So here's to blogging: CHEERS.  One way to keep me accountable. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Recovery and post evaluation

Finished in 4 hrs and 11 mins. It would have been much longer as I probably would have walked it in if it hadn't been for Sam pulling me through to the end.  From the get go I was pretty much out of breath.  I kept with the 3:55 pacer until the half way stage and of course was on target but I was breathing heavy.  It wasn't comfortable hard but uncomfortable hard.  It makes me realize I have to get fitter to feel comfortable at that pace.  I didn't get any sleep the night before which doesn't help matters.  Also, since working full time I haven't been able to dedicate to the running like I should have.  I did miss some important aerobic conditioning 6 milers - those ones that appear on the schedule mid week.  I always managed the distance run but I realize now that real works happens in those mid week runs as thats the time to pick up the pace on the shorter distance runs.

What could I do?  Advice from my sister is to train for swimming at the same time to get the lungs used to being worked in different ways.  She also suggests cutting down on red meat and trying to be a vegetarian.  I do appreciate Michael Pollen's advice:  eat mainly plants.  I know the yoga that I was doing up until I got my full time work was super important for my hips.  The aches and pains started early on in the marathon.  I need to get back on a regular yoga schedule and open up those areas.  I also need to get out of breath more because I do not do it.  Interval training or zumba or anything that pumps up my heart rate would do me the world of good.  I have to make the decision to train very hard for the next 8 weeks and get the fitness that I need if I want to try to this again before the Boston entry deadline in mid September.

Diet wise I am drinking alcohol, eating grains and beans this week to celebrate whilst being on holiday. I would like to continue the low sugar and no grains once I return to Seattle.  Stay tuned!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pre-Race Week

I'm gonna say it...I am tired.  All runs this week have turned into walks for the most part as the body feels a little overworked.  I am craving sleep and rest.  Hope to sleep in tomorrow.  I do have a 6 on the books for some part of the day tomorrow but at this moment it feels like a stretch.  My heart of hearts says yes you should be feeling tired because you have put in the work.  Now I must be good about recuperating.  A few aches here and there creeping in.  I should take the time to stretch a little more this week. 

Sunday is race day - 8 days away.   I get on the plane Thursday to LA and meet the wonderful sisters and friends that are there to support me.  I wish myself luck. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Taper Begins

Yabberdabberdoo...here we go the taper begins.  Today I put in a 9 mile run and boy am I tired right now.  It feels like I have run my big one but I guess this is the culmination of the 22 from last weekend and the smaller runs this week. 

My friend Sam reminded me today it would be good to think about dropping a pound if at all possible during this carbo loading, recovering 2 week stint.  Most people put on weight in this stage but I sure would love to drop a pound and make my load lighter.  Still no grains but sugar has crept back in via chocolate and the odd processed piece of food that has sugar added to it.  Feeling excited.  Just gotta keep the nutrition and the hydration going, plenty of sleep and a good attitude. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tapering and Sharpening

Here we are with the biggest of the long distance runs checked off yesterday.  I now enter the stage of the taper and come down slowly.  Still a lot of running to do this week so effort still needed on my part to stay focused.  Feeling pretty good after yesterday.  Was able to stick to no slower than 45 secs of marathon pace for a sustained 3 hours but I did have a toilet break, water collection break which always helps with recuperation and the watch turned off during those intervals.  During the run, my body responded well to the cliff shots and no major injuries apart from some blood blisters on the toes.  Today, I do have some tight hips, a little twinging in the knee joint and also twitches in the soles of the feet.

I do have some interesting little speed workouts this week and the next couple of weeks to sharpen my running.  Looking forward to those. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Time running away from me

Fair enough I am on a recovery week but I am struggling to get out the door with family commitments etc. and work.  I still cannot believe I ran a PR half marathon last weekend right when I was meant to according to my training schedule.  How did I do this?  Maybe because I have knocked sugar off the starting block that when I take it running it actually gives me fast fuel as to always eating sugar and the body not feeling any different when I take it during a race.  Maybe it is because I have managed to shed a few pounds.  Maybe it is because I have incorporated a few treadmills workouts which I never do when training for a marathon.  Maybe it is a combination of factors and still eating no grain unless it is part of my running fuel on run days.  Whatever it is I am in love with this feeling.

Now comes the nitty-gritty of the training program.  The next couple of weeks will be the hardest but that is what is supposed to happen.  I have to stay focused and hang in there.  Keep up the good work with the nutrition.  Stay hydrated with water as the weather is getting warmer.  I can do this.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Marathon feel

Signed up for the Yakima River Canyon marathon run last weekend and ran 21 miles as a training run.  The boys were at the aid station with grandparents and I was so happy to see them as I came around the curve.  The run was challenging for me.  I couldn't hold 9:30 pace like my schedule asked me to so that was a little disappointing.  I managed 10 miles of it and then the pace fell out of me.  Beautiful run.  Very exciting to be at the start of a marathon and feel the anticipation.  Some wonderful stories of peoples' accumulation of marathons and why they had chosen this one to run.  These people are driven.  It is part of their lifestyle to run and they couldn't image themselves not doing this.  What was evident was the spirit amongst the athletes that didn't look as fit as you would expect and were struggling at mile 20.  They had such determination to finish the race it was compelling. 

I now go into my next section of training called 'marathon specific' training.  This gets tough but I have to give it my best shot and suck it up.  It involves pace running for bigger distances.  This weekend I need to run 6 miles at a panting, tongue hanging 8:58 pace and the following weekend a half marathon at pace which will give me a PR if I can do it.  This is where I blend or curdle!  We'll see what happens.

Diet still going well.  Getting tempted at various stages to add things but managing to keep it at bay for the most part.  No grains, no added sugar (yesterday had chocolate with sugar), no alcohol.  Why do this?  I want to do what I can to get me as close to that PR and Boston Qualifying Time as possible.  I will know I did all that I can in preparation...now I just have to do what the trainer wants!!!  That really is the hardest part.  I am still behind on runs.  Today is a soaker in Seattle as I sit writing this from my bedroom looking out of the window.  I know my friend Jane doesn't let rain put her off as she heads out on a 10 today with her ultra-distance running husband.  Ooooh I just remembered I am off on Friday to a book club that talks about the Born to Run book.  That should be inspiring.  Also, reading a book on the Cayman Islands marathon at the moment which sounds like a destination spot to vacation and run.  No excuses Jane...get your butt out of bed and get your running shoes on!

I am in the final 3rd of training...and as my friend Sam always says to me C'mon Jane.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Joys of a New Job

First week of full-time work and the running schedule has really gone to boot.  I admire anyone that works, has a family and tries to fit in exercise successfully.  It's a compromise for sure as I am loving the job and the adult interaction but then I look out the window and see the beautiful sunshine and wish I was outside running.  I had no other choice but to wake up at 6am and go to the gym this week which I managed once!  Hope to do this every week.  I was apprehensive about working out so early but I really enjoyed it and felt great for the whole day.  My friend Jane joined me and held me accountable which was the only way because the days either side I managed to wake up in time but went back to bed because I had no friend to go with.  Finally managed some speed work on the treadmill.  Hmmm haven't been on a treadmill for years but I can see how handy they can come in for interval training.

Today I have a shorter run.  Still lots of catch up to do and will be behind again.  As for the diet, still no added sugar to any food in the last 4 weeks.  I am loving it.  Psychologically the thought of all this nutritious food I am eating is the biggest high.  Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and I had given up bars of chocolate for Lent.  I did dabble in 2 or 3 bars of unsweetened chocolate.  Having this mini goal I had set helped me really cut down.  Pleased with the outcome.  Still no alcohol in 4 weeks and holding on to that one hopefully all the way to marathon day. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

20 miler....Yes!

Yesterday I ran for 3 hours and 10 mins and can honestly say I really enjoyed myself.  There is nothing like getting in to a meditative groove.  One foot in front of the other in a very peaceful environment.  The day before my legs had felt like lead and I was a little apprehensive about the run but having a strong and steady friend to pull you along does wonders.  Still not having any added sugar and eating lots of nutritious food.  My recovery has been quick which I know is the diet.

Thoughts whilst running to get me through the distance involved feeling like one of the hunter on a long trek to get the gazelle.  It felt like my duty so I kept going.

Haven't put in the speed work like I talked about in the last post but hopefully will get some in this week.  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Half way stage

9 weeks in 9 weeks to go.  Feeling pretty good.  The diet is helping.  This is the second week of cutting out added sugar unless I am on a run over an hour and take the infamous GU.  Next week is the start of the Aerobic Capacity phase according to my plan.  It looks as if I will be introduced to running at marathon goal pace once a week for the next 3.  Not for very long but it looks like it is a taster in preparation for the phase that follows called Marathon Specific Training where running at longer periods at marathon pace are introduced.  Who knows if I will ever catch up to the amount I am meant to be doing - probably in the last week!

Ran a lovely 7.5 miles today before the rain came.  My friend Sam encouraged me to give up alcohol until after the race.  I was in such a good mood I said I will. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Longer distances

Pulled off a 17 yesterday in glorious sunshine.  Thanks to friend Jill who kept me company on the long haul.  I have gained a huge blood blister on the big toe so I am going to have to watch that area carefully now that it is damaged.  Kept telling myself how lucky I am to run that distance and also being a female running that distance...there are so many women in the world that are not able to.  I wished they could. 

This week was my first week to eliminate sugar outside of running times.  It felt good.  I will try to do this for 5 weeks to see if it makes a big difference.  That means no wine or dark chocolate with sugar in it.  Two of my vices.  Still haven't caught up with the running schedule but doing what I can.  The 'no grains' is not phasing me.  Heading in to a couple of harder weeks and hoping for some sun on those distance runs!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Post Race

Well as I sit here and write my blog I feel like throwing up.  I finished a 9 mile race over 2 hours ago but I pushed it to see where I was at in terms of speed.  I did well.  The mile pace was inconsistent due to the undulating course but at the end of the race I averaged 8:57 per mile.  Of course this was a tremendous boost.  I need 8:58 pace to break 3:55 in the marathon.  As much as it was empowering it was also hard work and to keep that pace going for 26.2 miles is going to take some determination and fitness.  Hanging on to my pacemaker (friend Jill) my mantra was 'Grin and bear it'.  I smiled at other runners whenever I could to bring in positive energy.  I think swapping a run this week for some spinning was a good move to improve cadence. 

Thanks to husband Steve I managed to get some good rest these last couple of nights by packing in some extra sleep hours. 

As yet I have not been able to complete a full week on my training program and I don't know if I will.  It is a lot to plug away at....but plugging I will continue. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In a very good mood

Just back from a lovely run in the sun with friend Jane.  We have decided to attend the "To Quiet Inflammation" diet this coming weekend that continues for 5 weeks.  Here is where I hope to drop a pound of fat or two over the next 6 weeks and of course quiet inflammation in the body.

Plucking away at the running schedule.  I had a very good 15 miler last week.  It did seem like a long way.  I am doing what I can when I can.  It does take some will power to continuously pound the streets so sometimes I just call it a walk and get the distance in that way.  I am heading in to a recovery week so that feels like a treat.  A solid 9 miler this weekend is the goal. 

Thankful for my friend Sherry who ran a couple of strides with me yesterday and really elevated my mood.  I felt like I was doing something worthwhile for myself and my friend and for my children who watch me run around their soccer field.  Last night I watched the footage of the first female runner to take part in the Boston Marathon in the 1970s and how she was told to get of the course and pushed aside by the race organizer.  How great it was she stood her ground and showed the nation that women can in fact run 26.2 miles!  Running is empowering.  It's a wonderful freedom and I am so grateful to have it in my life. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beginning of week 5

Opted for some cross training today instead of a run in the sun.  Went for ski date with husband which was amazing and then an indoor 20 min bike ride with neighbor Rosie.  By doing that it means I drop a run this week on the schedule.  I think it is a wise move as it wakes up other parts of the body which is good for the brain. 

My long run at 6am last week went extremely well.  I do have to thank co-runners Sam and Hilary for making it is so enjoyable.  I ran a 13 miler in a good pace on no grains apart from the GU I dissolve whilst on the run.  As I was running I had this feeling like I had an oil change and my filters cleaned.  It must be the diet which I am enjoying very much.  No poundage has been lost like one might think would happen from not eating all those carbs but I am a big portion eater so no surprise there for me. 

I am thinking I would like to take a pound of fat off as this would help with the speed.  I'll have to give this some more focus to see how I can achieve this goal when March arrives.

What lays ahead is a busy week of running with no way to catch up on that run I missed today. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Playing catch-up

3 weeks of training gone by and I am almost there with what is expected from this training program.  Due to that cold in week 1 I have been slowly playing catch-up.  Some of the run days I have had to exchange for walks as the long run takes it out of me each week.  Managed a great 11 last week on a flat course and tomorrow I aim for a 9 with tired legs already.  Rest day Sunday which is nice to look forward to.

This Wednesday is the start of Lent and I usually give up something for 40 days every year for a challenge.   I think it will have to be bars of chocolate as my blood tests came back this week showing that my blood sugars are elevated.  Yes, I do pile the stuff in.   I will allow drinking chocolate as those are rare and if I make them at home I use 100% cocoa powder without added sugar.  I have noticed since being on my paleo diet that I am eating more dried fruits especially dates as they feel like a dessert but they are packed with sugar and probably super high on the G. Index.  Cutting down on sugar is probably the hardest thing to do for me. 

Also, started cross-training this week.  Two stints on the bike indoor trainer - 15 mins a piece, very light and two visits to the park for 20 minute body workout with friends.  Let's hope I hold up for tomorrow's steady pace run!  To bed early. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Distance run and jacket potato

Alright Jane!  10 miles completed last weekend in a really good steady pace.  Only one of those miles I could not keep under 10:42.  My friend Jill was super inspiring and got me round the course.  Within 30 minutes of finishing I had my first jacket potato in a month.  It was so interesting as I felt that potato burn up immediately as I was eating it.  My metabolism kicked in and digested that thing so fast.  I do not normally pay attention to eating straight after an event.  Time flies usually and the magic window of opportunity for recovery goes by.  I liked the feeling a lot.  I wonder if I was more in tune with how my body felt just because of limited use of foods like that?

Missing hot breakfasts this week so I made chestnut flour crepes with lemon and sugar.  They were excellent so that is now on the menu for good.  As for recovery, yes my legs are tired.  That 10 miles took it out of me.  Trying for 11 this weekend.  

Friday, January 25, 2013

Back to it

Ok feeling much better.  Just completed an easy 5 miles just for the distance, no timing, that included 10 x 100m relaxed strides and a few stops here and there to help the lungs get back to working order. 

Loving my paleo breakfast these days - pecans, brazil nuts, banana, choc chips, cinnamon in coconut milk.  It feels very satisfying and easy to run on.  Also, made kale chips this week which were delicious and had that same addictive feel of opening a pack of chips and eating the whole bag.  Something about that small, bite-size crunch that gets to a lot of people!  Nice way to down load a whole bunch of kale without making a smoothie or stir fry side dish. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

First week let down!

I did what I said I would do go out there last Saturday and run my run.  Made it round 9 miles in under 9:30 just like the program says - long and steady.  It was fogged in and very cold but I did enjoy it.  I was super thankful for the individuals that stand out there and support.  By the time I got on the the third lap most people had finished as you had the choice of 1, 2 or 3.  The runners were sparse and so were the supporters but those that were there were super happy and shouting congratulations!  It does make a difference.  Day 1 over and I was on track until I woke up the next morning with a cold!!!

This week means staying put and trying to feel better.  Supposed to start some speed work but I feel like I need more sleep.  I have adjusted my runs to walks.  This week I have also started my visits with friends in the park for 20 mins body work out every Mon/Weds after the kids are dropped off.  Today I am so sore from yesterdays squats, planks and lunges.  My friend Sherry worked us hard but the true highlight was getting on the swing for 5 mins at the finish and watch them put in some bonus exercises!!!  I am good at cheering on others. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I think I am in shock with the cold.  Got back from Hawaii last week and I am having trouble getting out the door and staying warm.  No running to talk of as yet but my training program starts this coming Saturday with a 1:30 hr run steady.  Hmmm, this will be the first little challenge as I don't really have that much in my legs.  Hopefully, I will get it done and that should boost my confidence for the journey ahead. 

The diet is a big challenge.  I did say no grain and that is ok.  However,  I thought to myself what would it take to go all out paleo and follow the paleo diet for athletes. This is a lot trickier and a little beyond me at the moment.  However, I am cutting out the vegetable oils, legumes.  Still eating sugars, wine, chocolate.

The more I read labels I notice that soy lecithin is everywhere.  I like to eat from the deli and hot food bar at PCC but most of their salads etc. made with olive oil are also blended with safflower oil.  The good thing is I am eating at home a lot because of it. 

The chocolate mousse I buy from PCC is made with tofu so instead I made my own today with advocados as the replacement to the soy product.  Pretty good and very chocolatey. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Doing great so far

Back at home in Seattle I can work with the diet a bit better although Hawaii wasn't a bad place to be Paleo as there is lots of poke to eat and tropical fruit.  Being on holiday meant we were sipping wine every night so as the kids get back to school I can see the alcohol consumption in the next couple of weeks easing up.  That can only be a good thing!  Any big changes so far...I can't put my finger on it but I do feel a small shift in alertness, clarity.  Am I craving anything?  No and I am not hungry either.

The next couple of weeks I will start running in preparation for my training schedule which starts on 20th Jan.  I took the time in Hawaii to relax so will need to blow out the cobwebs on the first couple of times out the gate this week.