Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Joys of a New Job

First week of full-time work and the running schedule has really gone to boot.  I admire anyone that works, has a family and tries to fit in exercise successfully.  It's a compromise for sure as I am loving the job and the adult interaction but then I look out the window and see the beautiful sunshine and wish I was outside running.  I had no other choice but to wake up at 6am and go to the gym this week which I managed once!  Hope to do this every week.  I was apprehensive about working out so early but I really enjoyed it and felt great for the whole day.  My friend Jane joined me and held me accountable which was the only way because the days either side I managed to wake up in time but went back to bed because I had no friend to go with.  Finally managed some speed work on the treadmill.  Hmmm haven't been on a treadmill for years but I can see how handy they can come in for interval training.

Today I have a shorter run.  Still lots of catch up to do and will be behind again.  As for the diet, still no added sugar to any food in the last 4 weeks.  I am loving it.  Psychologically the thought of all this nutritious food I am eating is the biggest high.  Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and I had given up bars of chocolate for Lent.  I did dabble in 2 or 3 bars of unsweetened chocolate.  Having this mini goal I had set helped me really cut down.  Pleased with the outcome.  Still no alcohol in 4 weeks and holding on to that one hopefully all the way to marathon day. 

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