Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beginning of week 5

Opted for some cross training today instead of a run in the sun.  Went for ski date with husband which was amazing and then an indoor 20 min bike ride with neighbor Rosie.  By doing that it means I drop a run this week on the schedule.  I think it is a wise move as it wakes up other parts of the body which is good for the brain. 

My long run at 6am last week went extremely well.  I do have to thank co-runners Sam and Hilary for making it is so enjoyable.  I ran a 13 miler in a good pace on no grains apart from the GU I dissolve whilst on the run.  As I was running I had this feeling like I had an oil change and my filters cleaned.  It must be the diet which I am enjoying very much.  No poundage has been lost like one might think would happen from not eating all those carbs but I am a big portion eater so no surprise there for me. 

I am thinking I would like to take a pound of fat off as this would help with the speed.  I'll have to give this some more focus to see how I can achieve this goal when March arrives.

What lays ahead is a busy week of running with no way to catch up on that run I missed today. 

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