Sunday, March 10, 2013

Longer distances

Pulled off a 17 yesterday in glorious sunshine.  Thanks to friend Jill who kept me company on the long haul.  I have gained a huge blood blister on the big toe so I am going to have to watch that area carefully now that it is damaged.  Kept telling myself how lucky I am to run that distance and also being a female running that distance...there are so many women in the world that are not able to.  I wished they could. 

This week was my first week to eliminate sugar outside of running times.  It felt good.  I will try to do this for 5 weeks to see if it makes a big difference.  That means no wine or dark chocolate with sugar in it.  Two of my vices.  Still haven't caught up with the running schedule but doing what I can.  The 'no grains' is not phasing me.  Heading in to a couple of harder weeks and hoping for some sun on those distance runs!

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