Friday, February 8, 2013

Playing catch-up

3 weeks of training gone by and I am almost there with what is expected from this training program.  Due to that cold in week 1 I have been slowly playing catch-up.  Some of the run days I have had to exchange for walks as the long run takes it out of me each week.  Managed a great 11 last week on a flat course and tomorrow I aim for a 9 with tired legs already.  Rest day Sunday which is nice to look forward to.

This Wednesday is the start of Lent and I usually give up something for 40 days every year for a challenge.   I think it will have to be bars of chocolate as my blood tests came back this week showing that my blood sugars are elevated.  Yes, I do pile the stuff in.   I will allow drinking chocolate as those are rare and if I make them at home I use 100% cocoa powder without added sugar.  I have noticed since being on my paleo diet that I am eating more dried fruits especially dates as they feel like a dessert but they are packed with sugar and probably super high on the G. Index.  Cutting down on sugar is probably the hardest thing to do for me. 

Also, started cross-training this week.  Two stints on the bike indoor trainer - 15 mins a piece, very light and two visits to the park for 20 minute body workout with friends.  Let's hope I hold up for tomorrow's steady pace run!  To bed early. 

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