Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Marathon feel

Signed up for the Yakima River Canyon marathon run last weekend and ran 21 miles as a training run.  The boys were at the aid station with grandparents and I was so happy to see them as I came around the curve.  The run was challenging for me.  I couldn't hold 9:30 pace like my schedule asked me to so that was a little disappointing.  I managed 10 miles of it and then the pace fell out of me.  Beautiful run.  Very exciting to be at the start of a marathon and feel the anticipation.  Some wonderful stories of peoples' accumulation of marathons and why they had chosen this one to run.  These people are driven.  It is part of their lifestyle to run and they couldn't image themselves not doing this.  What was evident was the spirit amongst the athletes that didn't look as fit as you would expect and were struggling at mile 20.  They had such determination to finish the race it was compelling. 

I now go into my next section of training called 'marathon specific' training.  This gets tough but I have to give it my best shot and suck it up.  It involves pace running for bigger distances.  This weekend I need to run 6 miles at a panting, tongue hanging 8:58 pace and the following weekend a half marathon at pace which will give me a PR if I can do it.  This is where I blend or curdle!  We'll see what happens.

Diet still going well.  Getting tempted at various stages to add things but managing to keep it at bay for the most part.  No grains, no added sugar (yesterday had chocolate with sugar), no alcohol.  Why do this?  I want to do what I can to get me as close to that PR and Boston Qualifying Time as possible.  I will know I did all that I can in I just have to do what the trainer wants!!!  That really is the hardest part.  I am still behind on runs.  Today is a soaker in Seattle as I sit writing this from my bedroom looking out of the window.  I know my friend Jane doesn't let rain put her off as she heads out on a 10 today with her ultra-distance running husband.  Ooooh I just remembered I am off on Friday to a book club that talks about the Born to Run book.  That should be inspiring.  Also, reading a book on the Cayman Islands marathon at the moment which sounds like a destination spot to vacation and run.  No excuses Jane...get your butt out of bed and get your running shoes on!

I am in the final 3rd of training...and as my friend Sam always says to me C'mon Jane.

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