Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In a very good mood

Just back from a lovely run in the sun with friend Jane.  We have decided to attend the "To Quiet Inflammation" diet this coming weekend that continues for 5 weeks.  Here is where I hope to drop a pound of fat or two over the next 6 weeks and of course quiet inflammation in the body.

Plucking away at the running schedule.  I had a very good 15 miler last week.  It did seem like a long way.  I am doing what I can when I can.  It does take some will power to continuously pound the streets so sometimes I just call it a walk and get the distance in that way.  I am heading in to a recovery week so that feels like a treat.  A solid 9 miler this weekend is the goal. 

Thankful for my friend Sherry who ran a couple of strides with me yesterday and really elevated my mood.  I felt like I was doing something worthwhile for myself and my friend and for my children who watch me run around their soccer field.  Last night I watched the footage of the first female runner to take part in the Boston Marathon in the 1970s and how she was told to get of the course and pushed aside by the race organizer.  How great it was she stood her ground and showed the nation that women can in fact run 26.2 miles!  Running is empowering.  It's a wonderful freedom and I am so grateful to have it in my life. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your 15 miler and enjoy your 9 miler this weekend. I hope you channel that first female Boston Marathon runner. I'm about to go on a "3 miler" walk in the woods before Lucy gets home!
