Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Joys of a New Job

First week of full-time work and the running schedule has really gone to boot.  I admire anyone that works, has a family and tries to fit in exercise successfully.  It's a compromise for sure as I am loving the job and the adult interaction but then I look out the window and see the beautiful sunshine and wish I was outside running.  I had no other choice but to wake up at 6am and go to the gym this week which I managed once!  Hope to do this every week.  I was apprehensive about working out so early but I really enjoyed it and felt great for the whole day.  My friend Jane joined me and held me accountable which was the only way because the days either side I managed to wake up in time but went back to bed because I had no friend to go with.  Finally managed some speed work on the treadmill.  Hmmm haven't been on a treadmill for years but I can see how handy they can come in for interval training.

Today I have a shorter run.  Still lots of catch up to do and will be behind again.  As for the diet, still no added sugar to any food in the last 4 weeks.  I am loving it.  Psychologically the thought of all this nutritious food I am eating is the biggest high.  Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and I had given up bars of chocolate for Lent.  I did dabble in 2 or 3 bars of unsweetened chocolate.  Having this mini goal I had set helped me really cut down.  Pleased with the outcome.  Still no alcohol in 4 weeks and holding on to that one hopefully all the way to marathon day. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

20 miler....Yes!

Yesterday I ran for 3 hours and 10 mins and can honestly say I really enjoyed myself.  There is nothing like getting in to a meditative groove.  One foot in front of the other in a very peaceful environment.  The day before my legs had felt like lead and I was a little apprehensive about the run but having a strong and steady friend to pull you along does wonders.  Still not having any added sugar and eating lots of nutritious food.  My recovery has been quick which I know is the diet.

Thoughts whilst running to get me through the distance involved feeling like one of the hunter on a long trek to get the gazelle.  It felt like my duty so I kept going.

Haven't put in the speed work like I talked about in the last post but hopefully will get some in this week.  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Half way stage

9 weeks in 9 weeks to go.  Feeling pretty good.  The diet is helping.  This is the second week of cutting out added sugar unless I am on a run over an hour and take the infamous GU.  Next week is the start of the Aerobic Capacity phase according to my plan.  It looks as if I will be introduced to running at marathon goal pace once a week for the next 3.  Not for very long but it looks like it is a taster in preparation for the phase that follows called Marathon Specific Training where running at longer periods at marathon pace are introduced.  Who knows if I will ever catch up to the amount I am meant to be doing - probably in the last week!

Ran a lovely 7.5 miles today before the rain came.  My friend Sam encouraged me to give up alcohol until after the race.  I was in such a good mood I said I will. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Longer distances

Pulled off a 17 yesterday in glorious sunshine.  Thanks to friend Jill who kept me company on the long haul.  I have gained a huge blood blister on the big toe so I am going to have to watch that area carefully now that it is damaged.  Kept telling myself how lucky I am to run that distance and also being a female running that distance...there are so many women in the world that are not able to.  I wished they could. 

This week was my first week to eliminate sugar outside of running times.  It felt good.  I will try to do this for 5 weeks to see if it makes a big difference.  That means no wine or dark chocolate with sugar in it.  Two of my vices.  Still haven't caught up with the running schedule but doing what I can.  The 'no grains' is not phasing me.  Heading in to a couple of harder weeks and hoping for some sun on those distance runs!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Post Race

Well as I sit here and write my blog I feel like throwing up.  I finished a 9 mile race over 2 hours ago but I pushed it to see where I was at in terms of speed.  I did well.  The mile pace was inconsistent due to the undulating course but at the end of the race I averaged 8:57 per mile.  Of course this was a tremendous boost.  I need 8:58 pace to break 3:55 in the marathon.  As much as it was empowering it was also hard work and to keep that pace going for 26.2 miles is going to take some determination and fitness.  Hanging on to my pacemaker (friend Jill) my mantra was 'Grin and bear it'.  I smiled at other runners whenever I could to bring in positive energy.  I think swapping a run this week for some spinning was a good move to improve cadence. 

Thanks to husband Steve I managed to get some good rest these last couple of nights by packing in some extra sleep hours. 

As yet I have not been able to complete a full week on my training program and I don't know if I will.  It is a lot to plug away at....but plugging I will continue.