Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I think I am in shock with the cold.  Got back from Hawaii last week and I am having trouble getting out the door and staying warm.  No running to talk of as yet but my training program starts this coming Saturday with a 1:30 hr run steady.  Hmmm, this will be the first little challenge as I don't really have that much in my legs.  Hopefully, I will get it done and that should boost my confidence for the journey ahead. 

The diet is a big challenge.  I did say no grain and that is ok.  However,  I thought to myself what would it take to go all out paleo and follow the paleo diet for athletes. This is a lot trickier and a little beyond me at the moment.  However, I am cutting out the vegetable oils, legumes.  Still eating sugars, wine, chocolate.

The more I read labels I notice that soy lecithin is everywhere.  I like to eat from the deli and hot food bar at PCC but most of their salads etc. made with olive oil are also blended with safflower oil.  The good thing is I am eating at home a lot because of it. 

The chocolate mousse I buy from PCC is made with tofu so instead I made my own today with advocados as the replacement to the soy product.  Pretty good and very chocolatey. 


  1. Funny how you have mentioned chocolate in all but one of your posts. Is that your substitute for grain - Jane ;-)

  2. You're right chocolate took the place of my rice. Monitoring that a bit more! Thanks for the heads up.
